Summer Garden

Summer Garden

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Photos of beautiful gardens, stone...and a fence

City Garden The brick wall is a nice privacy feature and will be softened with vines of spring blooming Wisteria and fall blooming Sweet Autumn Clematis.  Perennials in the beds provide color in shades of gray blue, chartreuse and caramel, and texture through varied leaf sizes and shapes.  Perennial selections include Coralbells, Bergenia, Carex, Hosta, Sedum and Ferns.
City Garden Container Although shown during a short sunny part of the day, this container spends most of its day in the shade.  The Alocasia (Elephant Ear type tropical plant), Lysmachia and Impatiens in the container will be replaced each year, but the moss groundcover below will remain.

City Garden View from arbor covered deck to the children's sandbox. The sedum should do well next to the sandbox if it can withstand some foot traffic...we'll see.

Planting to complement the architecture.  This beautiful home shouldn't have to compete with the landscape.  Its clean lines are enhanced by the layered plant groupings in shades of green.  There is a touch of contrast in color with the Forest Pansy Redbud's purple leaves.  The other plants shown are Hakone Grass, Lavender, Boxwood, and Hydrangea Incrediball.
 Backyard Shades of Green This plant border serves as both screen and beautiful view.  The Viburnum, Amsonia, Ligularia, Carex, Hosta and Vinca provide a low maintentaince fence alternative.  The plants will grow and fill in over the years to come.

Stone Path These flagstone steppers provide a path through the garden into the lawn play area beyond.  A spring blooming Magnolia frames the view to Hydrangea Invincibelle Spirit.  Other plants include Sedum kamtschaticum, Amsonia Blue Ice, Caryopteris and Hosta Blue Angel.

 Bluestone Landing The new landing spans the front porch's full width.  Easy access to the driveway is provided with room to spare for containers of plants.  The landing matches a new front walk too, although friends and family are likely to use this side entry more often than the front public walk.

New + Old = Updated Look Existing hydrangeas and boxwood provide  a perfect foundation planting for the house and backdrop for new perennials.  Steel blue Panicum Northwind Grass will anchor the bed once it reaches its full height of 5' and two different varieties of Amsonia, Sedum and Allium Summer Beauty will provide seasonal color and texture.  Another low maintenance combo.

The Fence Sometimes only a fence will do when space is tight and views really need to be hidden.  This fence is actually eight fence sections with a lattice detail on top.  The sections at each end are stepped down a foot to transition to open area making the fence feel more like a screen than a fence.